
Sharmini’s now a Certified Psychodramatist by the American Board of Examiners (ABE) & a Practitioner Applicant for Trainer (PAT)!

Beloved Psychodrama Enthusiast,

The first quarter of 2021 has passed by like a whirlwind! What will the rest of 2021 bring? 

In February, I received exciting news from the American Board of Examiners (ABE) that I had passed my psychodrama exams and am now a Certified Psychodramatist by the ABE. Being the first fully qualified Psychodramatist in Singapore certified by the ABE has been a long journey. Nevertheless, I am grateful for the years of my own growth as a director of psychodramas and of group psychotherapy.  I recently also received news that I am now a PAT or Practice as Trainer.  This opens more doors for me to give out psychodrama training hours that can count toward certification with the ABE!! So, look out! Our training program towards certification as Experiential Facilitators and Psychodramatist is in the pipeline! I will start running short training workshops in which you can start accumulating your hours sometime soon!

In the meantime, keep coming for our Personal growth groups so you get to do your own work and experience the action method of psychodrama in more depth.

After having our first in-person Open Session in January, we ran a Personal Growth Group that comprised of mostly counsellors and facilitators.  Many psychodramas were done on various themes including Chinese New Year and the Chinese Zodiac animals. We thought about which animal we would prefer to be and had some hilarious fun! 

Following this we started a Women’s group called “Disarming My Inner Critic”.  The 6 week group is almost finished and we plan to run another one beginning in May.  Having women of all ages in the group has been a real gift as mothers in the group gain perspective from younger women who have them play the role of daughters. The healing in the group has been amazing to witness.  Do join us for the next one starting on 22 Apr – “Ready Set Glow”. 

Our Open sessions have been held monthly with the participation of people from all walks of life. Our last one was fully subscribed and we had to start a waiting list as spaces are limited due to Covid-19 restrictions. We have 2 bottles of sanitizer in the room, tissues and wipes, as well as extra masks in case people need a fresh one.  All the necessary precautions are being taken to ensure we all stay safe!  Join us or tell your friends about it!

Do come be with us sometime soon. I look forward to connecting again through Psychodrama!

Virtual Hugs and warm wishes,

Sharmini Winslow MC, CP, PAT.
Director. Psychodrama Singapore @ Promises

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